Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Ultimate Real Parrallel Universe

There is an increasing amount of interest in Parallel Universes, especially in the field of science, and specifically, theoretical physics. As I mentioned in my last post (11/13), a lot of this is due to the uncertainty principal advanced in quantum mechanics. The History Channel had a recent episode of The Universe called "Parallel Universe." In it, physicist talked about 4 levels of theoretical Parallel Universes based on 11 different dimensions of reality. The webpage for the show is: You can watch parts of the episode on You Tube at:

However, there is a very real and ultimate parallel universe that most of us know as the spiritual world. I believe this dimension provides the basis for why we want to find a parallel universe. All cultures acknowledge this spiritual reality. Modern science rejects it, but only because science is a means of knowledge limited by the requirements of the scientific method, which clearly does not apply to such a realm. However, it is fascinating to watch scientists explore and theorize about parallel universes we have as yet no physical evidence for.

The spiritual world preceded the physical world, and in a sense is more real, as well as more enduring. It is limitless, yet it is immediately next to us, all around us, and within us. People sense this all the time, and long to understand it. On the other hand, since people do not understand it that well, they tend to be wary and cautious of the spiritual realm.

There is a great deal of activity all the time in the spiritual world. It affects us in all kinds of ways every moment of the day. There are campaigns, battles, interventions, messages, and endless activity. We only catch a glimpse of it. Sometimes, it dawns on us that we are in the midst of such activity, often when there are things going on around us that we do not understand. Most often, we are oblivious to this activity.

Literature explores this realm, including Milton's Lost Paradise, or Dante's Divine Comedy. Some would assign this concept to the realm of fairy tales. But Tolkien, who rescued fairy tales from the nursery room, pointed out that the spiritual realm is the ultimate basis for stories from the realm of Faire. culminating in the ultimate, joyous story of the Gospel. As you read through his Lord of the Rings Trilogy, his adult fairy tale, there are glimpses of the spiritual world throughout.

The Bible gives us accurate information about the spiritual realm and its relation to the physical world and our lives. In particular, the final Book of Revelations, opens up for us in apocalyptic language, an understanding of what, from our perspective, is going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm. It deserves serious consideration from the most rational minds, especially in a time when science is urging us to seriously consider parallel universes.

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