Saturday, August 22, 2009


Reason set Historic Christianity apart from most all other religions in the world. Oddly, many assert Christianity contradicts reason. Usually humanistic forces press this position, but sadly too many Christians half-hardheartedly reply that faith replaces reason. (My last blog discussed Historic Christianity.)

Historic Christianity emphasizes reason because we are made in the image of God - reason comprises part of that image. Historic Christianity emphasizes reason because God does so. "Come let us reason together," says the Lord. (Isaiah 1:18 - NIV.) Historic Christianity emphasizes reason because the New Testament does - as stated by the Apostle Paul, "I am not insane, most excellent Festus,' Paul replied. 'What I am saying is true and reasonable." (Acts 26:25 - NIV.) Christian leaders throughout the centuries emphasized the very important role of reason. As a result, Historic Christianity laid the basis for the emphasis on reason in Western Civilization, which has led to the advances in science, medicine, government, law, and capitalism which we enjoy today in the West, and as spread to other parts of the world.

The New Testament calls Jesus Christ the logos (Word) of God. The logos relates both to logic and to the underlying structure of the world in Greek philosophy. The New Testament says that God created the world through Jesus Christ, the logos, and he sustains and holds the world together. (Colossians 2:16.)  This forms part of why Christians expect to find reason in nature, and part of why, historically, they confidently engaged in science.

However, Christians assert there are limits to reason. They generally do not believe reason alone can prove God the existence of God by itself (though Thomists do). They do not believe reason alone produces faith.  While we need to exercise faith, the Bible does not ask for blind faith or a leap of faith.  Instead, it seeks for a response of reasonable faith, one based on sufficient evidence while also based on a child-like response to the truth.  Since we have a sinful nature, our reason often results in imperfect results.  We need revelation from God, since our reason alone cannot produce ultimate truth, only recognize and confirm it as revealed.

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