Saturday, September 3, 2016

That Hideous Strength - Ch 12 - Wet and Windy Night

Jane, Dimble, and Denniston continue to tramp through the wet countryside looking for Merlin, unsure if they are following a tramp and his trail.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Director of the NICE (Withers) hardly ever sleeps.  He learned to withdraw his mind from the task of living.  He had achieved a detachment of the spirit, which pursued its own life, while his body carried out routines on an independent basis.

He spoke with a Mr. Stone selected to head up a search party.  Stone reported they found the chamber, but it was empty.  They followed a long tunnel leading out of it upwards, and found the end of the tunnel appeared to have been blasted open.  Stone reported they split into parties, and continued searching for an old man with a very long beard and unusual clothes.

At the same time, Jane, Dimble, and Denniston continue their search for Merlin.  Suddenly they saw a horse passed close to them  with a man on his back and streaming garments.  They tried unsuccessfully to shout out to him, and before they knew it, the horse leaped over a hedge, and they were gone.

Over at Belbury, Frost greets Mark in the prison cell by telling him he is great danger, but also within reach of a great opportunity.  The danger lies in that the NICE may decide to kill him (as they have done with others).  The great opportunity lies in the NICE allowing entry for Mark into their most inner circle.  To gain admission, Mark must learn to be completely objective, and to ignore any emotions, which only result from chemical phenomena.  Objectivity is the only basis of unity for the inner circle.

Frost also reveals the true source of direction for the NICE.  He says that while Filastro thinks it's Alcasan's head, Frost explains its macrobes that speak through Alcasan's head.  These macrobes exist above the level of animal life, including mankind.  They have influenced mankind in the past.  The inner circle cooperates with the macrobes to achieve their goals.  Frost discusses how society no longer requires a large population, it only requires about ten percent of the current population, the technocrats, those who can achieve objectivity and ignore the chemical phenomena of emotions.  The rest are dead weight well rid of by wars, other disasters, and possibly government action in the future.

Though Mark stands by his prior decision to not to trust anyone at the NICE any longer, he goes along with this discussion to keep his options open, especially by avoiding the NICE killing him.  However, he also felt the pull, like a tide, of joining this inner circle.  After some loud noises outside, Frost is handed a piece of paper.  When he reads it, he immediately leaves the jail cell, with Mark still in it.

Meanwhile, back at St. Anne's, the company anxiously awaits the return of Jane, Dimble, and Denniston, especially given the strength of the storm outside.  Suddenly, they hear a loud noise outside, and the Director and MacPhee go downstairs to open the door and investigate.  They saw a huge horse at the door, and a very tall man lept off his back.  His reddish-grey hair and beard were blown all about his face.  He wore a ragged ill-fitting khaki coat, baggy trousers, and boots that had lost the toes.

Back at Belbury, four men brought in an unconscious naked man in a blanket on a stretcher, and transferred him to a bed.  Withers stares at him, and soon Frost joins him.  The man regains consciousness, but doesn't talk or respond - staring blankly at his surrounding.  Frost tries to address him in Latin as Merlin.  But the man seems not to even listen.  They bring him wine, but  he indicates he prefers beer, which he eagerly drinks down.  They bring him all kinds of food, but he prefers simple food which he devours.  They again try to address him in Latin, but the man took no notice at all, and seemed ready to fall back asleep.  Frost and Withers leave to the next room to discuss.

When Frost left his jail cell, Mark soon realizes he must align with Jane and all those at St. Anne's against the NICE at Belbury, in fact he must take up the front lines.  The approval of his own conscience greatly relieved him.  He began to realize the pull to be part of the inner circle was similar to  the sin of lust.  He began to understand he had suffered some sort of attack.  Though he had been a materialist, he began to understand there were spiritual forces at work which could forcefully bend his free will, which he thought unfair, but he determined he wanted Jane and her companions.

Ch 11 - Battle Begun

Ch 13 - They Have Pulled Down Deep Heavens on their Heads

Overview of That Hideous Strength

Character List

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